Treaty of Versailles


After the first World War
Daniela Rojas Carreno
Mind Map by Daniela Rojas Carreno, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniela Rojas Carreno
Created by Daniela Rojas Carreno over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Treaty of Versailles
  1. War guilt
    1. Seem by the Germans as extremely harsh - Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war
    2. Reparations
      1. Germany had to pay reparations to the Allies for the damage caused by war (£6,600 million). If the terms of the payment had not later been changed under the Young Plan in 1929, Germany would not have finished paying this bill until 1984
      2. German territories and colonies
        1. Their territories were sectioned. In addition to these changes, the Treaty also forbade Germany to join together (Anschlus) with its former ally Austria
          1. - Germany's overseas empire was taken away = bad relations with Britain before the war - Former German colonies, such as Cameroon, became mandates controlled by the League of Nation= France and Britain controlled them
          2. Germany's armed forces
            1. - Their army was limited to 100,000 men
              1. - CONSCRIPTION was banned- soldiers had to be volunteers
                1. - Germany was not allowed armoured vehicles, submarines or aircraft
                  1. - The navy could have only 6 battleships
                    1. The Rhineland became a DEMILITARISED zone= it was important because it was the border area between Germany and France
              2. League Of Nations
                1. Was set up as an international 'police force'
                  1. Germany was not invited until it had shown that it was a peace loving country
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