A2 PE: Goal Setting


Mind Map on A2 PE: Goal Setting, created by Jasmin Shirley on 18/03/2015.
Jasmin Shirley
Mind Map by Jasmin Shirley, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmin Shirley
Created by Jasmin Shirley almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

A2 PE: Goal Setting
  1. The SMARTER Principle
    1. Specific
      1. Goals should relate directly to the task
        1. Example:
          1. Wanting to improve the jumping technique of a horse so they don't knock a fence down
          2. Specific goals are more effective than non-specific goals.
            1. Example:
              1. Wanting to improve the jumping technique but with no target to measure or focus on
          3. Measurable
            1. Goals should be evaluated and measured against a previous performance or external standard.
              1. Example:
                1. Watching a previous performance which you got multiple fences down then doing the same again and seeing if you can get less down.
            2. Accepted
              1. To be effective a goal must be agreed or accepted both by the coach and by the performer.
              2. Realistic
                1. Goals should be challenging but attainable.
                  1. Because it's attainable it motivates the performer to aim to the next goal and gives them confidence on as they do it.
                  2. Times
                    1. A time limit should be set to achieve the goal.
                    2. Exciting
                      1. Excitement is generated when an accepted goal provides challenge.
                        1. Example:
                          1. Keep changing the activities so they don't get repetitive.
                        2. Excitement can help prevent boredom
                        3. Recorded
                          1. Achievement of or progress toward a target should be written into a log and recorded.
                            1. Recording it may can keep it exciting which would help motivate the performer.
                              1. 'Ink it, don't think it!'
                          2. Time-Based Goals
                            1. Long Term Goals
                              1. An ultimate aim which may take an extended period of time to complete and achieve
                                1. Major changes in behaviour cannot be achieved immediately through the pursuit of LTGs.
                                  1. When set on their own, LTGs may appear daunting targets.
                                    1. Can increase anxiety, and they don't improve performance on their own.
                                  2. Short Term Goals
                                    1. They are intended to give immediate success and are set initially at the level of the performers existing capability.
                                      1. Completed in a sequence that get progressively more difficult.
                                        1. They form the link between the athletes initial capability and the LTG achievement.
                                          1. Jarvis research found that it's the most effective goals.
                                          2. Medium Term Goals
                                            1. Occur during the STG sequence
                                              1. More significant improvement indicators.
                                                1. Improve access to LTGs.
                                              2. Activity-Based Goals
                                                1. Product Goals
                                                  1. Involve defeating other competitors and are only concerned with winning outcomes
                                                    1. The goal focuses on the end result and is often externally controlled
                                                      1. Example
                                                        1. Winning a tennis tournament
                                                          1. Winning - frequently determined by external factors of task difficulty or luck
                                                          2. Can create anxiety during competition as the athlete is required to win in order to achieve their goal
                                                            1. Anxiety can cause unnecessary worry which can lead to distraction from the task
                                                              1. Controlled by external factors - another source of anxiety.
                                                          3. Performance Goals
                                                            1. Based on judgement made of an individual against their previous performances
                                                              1. Personal best
                                                                1. They are measurable
                                                                2. Exercise Adherence
                                                                  1. Adopting an exercise regime and persisting with the activities.
                                                                    1. Should be set by the participant and ought to be flexible rather than fixed.
                                                                    2. Process Goals
                                                                      1. Concerned with improving technique to produce better performance.
                                                                        1. Example
                                                                          1. A batter working on the footwork to improve their average runs.
                                                                          2. Under your control
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