Biological approach


Mind Map on Biological approach, created by Teddie Mardon on 19/03/2015.
Teddie Mardon
Mind Map by Teddie Mardon, updated more than 1 year ago
Teddie Mardon
Created by Teddie Mardon almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Biological approach
  1. assumptions
    1. behaviour explain in terms of areas of the brain
      1. cerebral cortex surface of brain, higher cognitive functions
        1. frontal cortext motor movement
          1. occipital lobe associated with vision
            1. Hyperthalamus integrates the ANS (stress and emotion)
            2. behaviour explained in terms of hormones
              1. biochemical substances produced in adrenal glads and circulate the body
                1. produced in large quantities, disappear really quickly
                  1. effect is slow but very powerful
                    1. oestrogen, testosterone
                  2. Gas Model Selye
                    1. General adaptation syndrome
                      1. Exposed to unpleasant stimuli, display universal responce to all stressors
                      2. stage 1: alarm section
                        1. Stressor recognised, response is made to the alarm
                          1. Hypothalamus in brain triggers production of adrenaline
                            1. Adrenaline causes sensations: increased heart rate, sweaty palms...
                            2. stage 2: Resistance
                              1. stress continues
                                1. Body adapting to the demands of environment
                                  1. resources are being gradually reduced
                                  2. Stage 3: exhaustion
                                    1. Body can no longer maintain normal functioning
                                      1. initial symptoms may appear
                                        1. Adrenal glands may be damaged.
                                          1. Immune system may not be able to cope due t slowed production of proteins
                                            1. As a result stress related illnesses such as ulcers, depression
                                          2. Hans Selye research with rats
                                            1. Aim and context: shared common set of symptoms no matter what was wrong
                                              1. Generlised
                                                1. !936 injected rats with hormones saw same response
                                                2. Suggested there was one internal mechanism for dealing with noxious agents called stressors.
                                                  1. Procedure
                                                    1. rats exposed to noxious agents: cold, surgical injury, intoxications, production os spinal shock.
                                                      1. Finding and conclusion
                                                        1. 1. 6-48 Hours: enlargement of adrenal glands, ulcers, shrinkage of the immune system
                                                          1. 2. treatment continued , function and appliance turned practically back to normal.
                                                            1. 3. continued treatment after 3 months animals lost resistance and showed original symptoms
                                                        2. Psychosurgery
                                                          1. aim of treating mentally disordered behaviour
                                                            1. destroying sections of the brain or severing fibres
                                                              1. pre frontal lobotomy
                                                                1. selective destruction of nerve fibres
                                                                  1. frontal lobe
                                                                    1. OCD and depression
                                                                      1. moniz 1930
                                                                        1. refined technique called leucotome
                                                                          1. instrument with retractable wire loop
                                                                            1. thought that by cutting in to nerve pathways that carried thoughts would relive patients of bad thoughts
                                                                              1. fatality rate of up to 6%
                                                                            2. drilling hole in each side of skull, using an istrument resembling ice pick to sever nerve fibres
                                                                            3. Streotactic psychosurgery
                                                                              1. MRI scans to make cutting more precise
                                                                                1. OCD
                                                                                  1. circuit linking orbital frontal lobe to deeper structures is more active than normal.
                                                                                    1. cingulotomy designed to interrupt the circuit
                                                                                      1. 56% efffective
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