

This is a mental map on my self study questions for visualization.
Andre Luck
Mind Map by Andre Luck, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by cdh0033 over 9 years ago
Andre Luck
Copied by Andre Luck over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What are Objects?
    1. What features do objects have?
      1. Attributes (in Java, fields)
        1. Ex: For a car, color, # of tires, plate number, number of valves
        2. Actions they can perform (In Java, methods)
          1. Ex: For a car, run and brake
        3. Any thing - abstract, living, or otherwise
          1. Ex: Persons, pets, cars, streets, books, love, regulations, etc.
        4. What are Objects made up of?
          1. Classes
            1. What are Classes?
              1. A blueprint/template to create objects of identical type
                1. Such as objects
                2. All Programming elements in Java reside in a class
                3. How do you write a class declaration?
                1. How do I help ELL students with comprehension strategies like visualizing?
                  1. Have charts around the room that model teacher thinking.
                    1. Have a sensory imaging graphic organizer available for students.
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