Syllabus based on skills


Aspectos característicos de un programa basado en habilidades del idioma extranjero.
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Mind Map by Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Created by Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo almost 5 years ago
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Resource summary

Syllabus based on skills
  1. Methodology
    1. "In this type of methodology the three basic skills must be taught: writing, reading and pronunciation, for that listen to a conversation in English and try to write the paragraph of what was heard unfold these skills "(Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 6).
      1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 5).
      2. "Audiolingual method" (Hernández, 2017, p. 11).
        1. Video taken from Oupinternational (2009).
        2. "Communicative approach" (Hernández, 2017, p. 11).
          1. Image taken from Hernández (2017, p. 11).
          2. "Direct method" (Hernández, 2017, p. 11).
            1. Video taken from Mike´s Home ESL (2017).
            2. "Reading method" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 23).
              1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 9).
              2. "Total physical response" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 23).
                1. Video taken from La Teacher María (2018).
                2. "The teacher makes a list of the language skills that students must learn" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 11).
                  1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 4).
                  2. "Readings are included to identify the main idea" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 11).
                    1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 16).
                    2. "Correct paragraph writing listening to a main idea" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 11).
                      1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 9).
                      2. "Listening to a conversation in English and trying to write a paragraph teaches the basic skills for language skills, reading, writing and pronunciation "(Ayala, 2015, p. 22).
                        1. Images taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 8).
                      3. Examples
                        1. "Listen to an audio conversation (tourist and stewardess)" (Ayala, 2015, p. 21).
                          1. Image taken from Ayala (2015, p. 21).
                          2. "Reading stories" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 21).
                            1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 21).
                            2. "Listen to an audio dialogue from a medical consultation" (Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 9).
                              1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 9).
                              2. "To improve pronunciation the teacher makes 5 groups in the classroom and each group is assigned a song in English so that they interpret it with the correct pronunciation of English, and improve their skills listening and pronunciation "(Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 10).
                                1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 10).
                                2. "Reading skills: Summing and scanning" (Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 12).
                                  1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 12).
                                  2. "Writing skills: Specific topics or reading memos, reports" (Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 12).
                                    1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 12).
                                    2. "Speaking skills: Giving instruction, personal information, etc" (Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 12).
                                      1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 12).
                                      2. "Listening skills: Getting specific information, listening foreign radio for news" (Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 12).
                                        1. Image taken from Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 12).
                                      3. Strategies
                                        1. "Listen to the audio of the stewardess's communication with travelers" (Ayala, 2015, p. 23).
                                          1. Image taken from Gómez Balaguera (2015, p. 9).
                                          2. "As a group they read the communication and dramatize the dialogue that occurs" (Ayala, 2015, p. 23).
                                            1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 17).
                                            2. "Individually they imagine another situation that arises with the stewardess and build a dialogue" (Ayala, 2015, p. 23).
                                              1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 18).
                                              2. "They dramatize the dialogues composed by the students themselves" (Ayala, 2015, p. 23).
                                                1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 18).
                                                2. "Interacciones, utilización de material, juegos, dinámicas" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 24).
                                                  1. Imagen tomada de Castañeda (2015, p. 19).
                                                  2. "Escuchar el audio de la consulta médica" (Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 7).
                                                    1. Imagen tomada de Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 7).
                                                    2. "En parejas aprender el diálogo para hacer un dramatizado del audio escuchado" (Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo, 2018, p. 7).
                                                      1. Imágenes tomadas de Arango, Luna Vásquez, López García, & Mendoza Angulo (2018, p. 9).
                                                    3. Means
                                                      1. "Humans, stationery, CD, movies, contexts, readings" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 27).
                                                        1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 6).
                                                      2. Activities
                                                        1. "To improve pronunciation, the teacher makes 5 groups in the classroom and each group assigns a song in English to be interpreted with the correct pronunciation of English, and to improve their skills listening and pronunciation "(García Leyton, 2015, p. 18).
                                                          1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 15).
                                                          2. "Dialogues, films, writings, stories" (Hernández, 2017, p. 13).
                                                            1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 16).
                                                            2. "Role play, dialogues, movies, reading stories, songs" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 25).
                                                              1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 17).
                                                              2. "The teacher at the beginning of the class presents an audio of a situation that occurs in an airplane with the stewardess" (Ayala, 2015, p. 24).
                                                                1. Image taken from Ayala (2015, p. 24).
                                                                2. "In pairs students build a dialogue and dramatize it by making an appropriate pronunciation of English" (Ayala, 2015, p. 25).
                                                                  1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 16).
                                                                3. Student role
                                                                  1. "Students develop their communicative competence, in carrying out different activities" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 26).
                                                                    1. Image taken from Callejas Gaona (2015, p. 14).
                                                                  2. Role of the teacher
                                                                    1. "He is in charge of designing his classes around the four skills that are listening, speaking, writing and reading" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 26).
                                                                      1. Image taken from Reyes Martínez (2015, p. 8).
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