Math B


Mind Map on Math B, created by annielawrence199 on 24/03/2015.
Mind Map by annielawrence199, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annielawrence199 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Math B
  1. Algebra Skills
    1. Simplify algebraic equations
      1. Expand brackets using dristributive law
        1. Expand binomials
          1. Factorise
            1. Re-arrange formula
            2. Linear Modelling
              1. Solve linear equations
                1. Calculate the gradient given:
                  1. Graph
                    1. Co-ordinates of two points
                      1. A linear equation
                        1. The angle the line makes with the positive direction of the x-axis
                        2. Write and determine linear equations
                          1. y=mx+c
                            1. ax+by+c=0
                            2. Re-arrange linear equations to the form y=mx+c
                              1. Sketch linear equations
                                1. Solve simultanios equations
                                  1. Substitution
                                    1. Elimination
                                  2. Trigonometry


                                    1. Determine lengths/distances in right-angled triangles using sine, cosine and tangent ratios
                                      1. Determine magnitude of angles in right-angled triangles using sine, cosine and tangent ratios
                                        1. Construct diagrams for life-related contexts including angles of elevation and depression and bearings (True and Compass)
                                          1. Solve triangles using the sine and cosine rules in two and three dimensional contexts
                                          2. Relations and Functions
                                            1. Sketch relations from an equation and/or set of ordered pairs
                                              1. Determine if variables are discrete or continuous
                                                1. Determine the domain and range of a relation using lists and interval notation
                                                  1. Determine the type of relation
                                                    1. One-to-One
                                                      1. One-to-Many
                                                        1. Many-to-One
                                                          1. Many-to-Many
                                                          2. Determine if a relation is a function
                                                            1. Write and evaluate functions using function notation
                                                              1. Construct functions to model life related contexts
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