Energy transfer


Convection,conduction and reflection
Mind Map by amy.tucker81, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amy.tucker81 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Energy transfer
  1. Conduction
    1. Metals are a good conductor of heat.
      1. Non metals are gases are usually poor conductors of heat.
        1. Poor conductors of heat are called insulators.
          1. Heat energy can move through a substance by conduction.
            1. Transferred by free electrons through metals.
        2. Convection
          1. The particles in these fluids can move from place to place.
            1. less dense particles are lighter so they rise.
              1. Convection currents the transfer heat from place to place are set up
            2. Radiation
              1. All objects give out and take in thermal radiation, which is also called infrared radiation.
                1. The hotter the object is, the more infrared radiation it emits.
                  1. infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation.
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