Asch 1955; Procedures


AS level PY2 Mind Map on Asch 1955; Procedures, created by oliviaclifton on 25/03/2015.
Mind Map by oliviaclifton, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by oliviaclifton almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Asch 1955; Procedures
  1. Research was an observation carried out under controlled conditions.
    1. Sample
      1. 123 naïve (true) pps collected by volunteer sampling
        1. They were all male from 3 USA colleges
        2. Placing 1 true pp into a group of 7-9 confederates
          1. The research involved;
            1. Seating them second to last in the row so they can hear the answers of the confederates
              1. Showing the pps a series of lines - a standard line and 3 separate lines (all with difference of between 3/4 of an inch and 1"3/4
                1. Asking pps to match the standard line to one of the 3 lines, where the answer was always obvious, aloud in front of others.
                  1. There were 18 trials for each group and on 12 "critical" trials, all the confederates called out the wrong answer.
                    1. Asch introduced some variations 1) He vaired the size of the confederate group from 1 - 15 2) He allowed one confederate to always answer truthfully. 3) A confederate who gave wrong, but different answers to other confederates
                      1. He also interviewed pps to see why they conformed
                        1. Ethical Issues
                          1. Debreifed his pps and explained the true purpose of his research
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