Hitler's rise to power


GCSE History Mind Map on Hitler's rise to power, created by chloefoster0602 on 26/03/2015.
Mind Map by chloefoster0602, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Tomiwa Oko-Osi
Created by Tomiwa Oko-Osi over 9 years ago
Copied by chloefoster0602 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hitler's rise to power


  • Background- Hitler's rise to power could be blamed on the depression, and the impact it had on Germany, it caused: * 6 milion people unemployed by 1933.  * German people really divided. * Government made up of lots of parties. * Hindenburg the president became more involved BUT he was old and out of touch.
  1. The Rise to Power dates
    1. 1933


      • * 28th January 1933- Schleicher resigns after agreeing on the 4th of January, so that Hitler can be Chancellor. * 30th of January Papen advises Hindenburg to make their Chancellor and that he'll control him. * March 1933- 44% of Germans voted for Hitler in elections.
      1. 1928


        • * In 1928 the Nazi's had 12 seats in the Reichstag.
        1. 1932


          • * July 1932 they had 230 seats (won 37.3% of the vote) and were the largest party. * Hindenburg realised he could use the large partied Nazi's and makes Von Papen Chancellor but the Nazi's don't cooperate. * November 1932, had 196 seats in the Reich, vote falls to 33.1%. * Von Schleicher becomes Chancellor.
        2. Why he became Chancellor?
          1. Rise of extremism


            • * Fear of communism * Many Left-Wing workers turning to Communism * Nazi propaganda exaggerated the communists.
            1. The Depression
              1. Nazi Propaganda


                • * Joseph Goebbels put in charge of Ministry of Propaganda and Information, 1933.
                1. Popular support


                  • * 37.3% of the vote. * He was organised * A good speaker * Highly admired * Mass rallies, colourful posters * Support from youth * Passionate with speech
                  1. Weakness of Weimar


                    • * 4 Elections between 1930-32. * Coalitions which were weak.
                    1. Hatred of Weimar


                      • * People saw Weimar as decadent. * The Elders particularly the Judges, wanted one leading politician who was strong, like the Kaiser, or Fuhrer. * Hated the Treaty of Versailles, stabbed-in-the-back myth. * Didn't like the Democracy, which was a DIKTAT. * The Government was not strong and told bad news, which the Kaiser didn't.
                    2. "In two months we'll have pushed Hitler into a corner so hard, he'll be squealing." -Von Papen.
                      1. How Hitler consolidated power?
                        1. Reichstag Fire, 1933.


                          • * 27th February 1933. * The Reichstag, which is the German House of Parliament set on fire. * Supposedly by Dutch Communist, Van Der Lubbe, who was seen with matches. * Hitler took advantage and claimed it was the Communists trying to seize power violently. * 4,000 communists arrested as a result. * Persuaded Hindenburg to sign, 'Decree for the Protection of People & the State'.
                          1. Enabling Act, 1933.


                            • * 23rd March 1933. * The SA intimidates all remaining non-Nazi parties, resulting in the Reich giving Hitler the right to make his own laws without Reich for 4 years. * Ban Communism. * The law agains the formation of new parties, stated, "Only the Nazi person were allowed."
                            1. Night of the Long Knives, 1934.


                              • * 30th June 1934. * Hitler no longer had to worry about opposition against other parties due to the Enabling Act. * However he now had to worry about opposition within the Nazi party. * SA (Stormtroopers) wanted to merge with army, but army didn't want to be under order of Ernst Rohm. * So SS leaders executed Rohm, Von Schleicher and 400 SA members. * NOTE- HITLER ONLY HAD CONTROL OVER ARMY UNTIL AFTER THIS.
                              1. Death of Hindenburg, 1934.


                                • * 2nd August 1934. * Hitler decided the country no longer needed a President and merged the role of a President and Chancellor together to make, "Fuhrer". 
                                1. Oath of Allegiance, 1934.


                                  • * 24th April 1934. * Army now loyal to Hitler. * AND the People's Court swears an oath that Judges have to stay loyal to Nazi's.
                                2. REMEMBER!


                                  • * The question, "Why Hitler came to power?" is completely different to "How Hitler came to power?" both questions are answered in this mindmap tho'.
                                  1. How Hitler dominated Germany?
                                    1. Concordat, 1933


                                      • * Hitler's concordat with the Pope in 20th June 1933, was a temporary alliance which stopped the Catholic 'Z' party, Zentrum.
                                      1. Scape-Goating
                                        1. People elected him
                                          1. Fixed Elections
                                            1. Against cultural revolution
                                              1. Made Chancellor
                                                1. SA intimidated parties
                                                  1. Night of the Long Knives
                                                    1. Fab Propaganda produced by Goebbels
                                                      1. Reich Fire
                                                        1. Rule by fear
                                                        2. Germany now a one party state (Dictatorship)
                                                          1. NOW TAKE A QUIZ!


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