Species are groups of organism that can
potentially interbreed to produce fertile
Members of a species may be
reproductively isolated in separatelocations
Species can have either an autotrophic or
heterotrophic method nutrition
Autotrophic: Some organisms make their
own carbon compounds from carbon dixide
and other simple substance, Which means
self feeding
Heterotrophs: Some organsims obtain their
carbon compounds from other organisms, which
means feeding on others
A consumer are heterotrophs that feed on living organisms
by ingestion Eg. Mosquito feeding of human blood
Detritivores are heterotrophs that obtain organic
nutrience from detritus by internal digestion
A Saprotoph are heterotrophs that obtain
organic nutrience from dead organic matter by
external digestion
Autotrophs and heterotrophs obtain
inorganic nutrients from abiotic
Ecosytems have the potential to be substainable
over long periods of time
The supply of inorganic nutrients is maintained by nutrients cycling
A community is formed by populations of different species
living together and interacting with each other
A communtiy forms an ecosystem by its interaction with
the abiotic environment
A population are a group of the same species living ;in the same area at the same time
Energy Flow
Most ecosystems rely on a supply of energy
from sunlight
Light energy is converted to chemcial energy in
carbon compounds by photosynthesis
Chemical enegy in carbon compounds flows
through food chains by means of feeding
Energy is released from carbon compounds by
respiration is used in living organisms and converted to
Living organisms cannot convert heat to other forms of energy
Heat is lost from ecosystems
Energy losses between trophic levels
restrict the length of food chains and
the biomass of higher trophic levels
Carbon cycle
In aquatic ecosystems carbon is
present as dissolved carbon dioxide
and hydogen carbonate ions
Carbon dioxide diffuses from the atmosphere or water into autotophs
Autrotrophs convert carbon dioxide
into carbohydrates and other
carbon compounts
Carbon dioxide is produced by respiration and
diffuses out of organisms into water or the
Methane is produced from organic matter in anaerobic
conditions by Methanogen archaeans and some
diffuses into the atmosphere or accumulates in thee
Methane is oxidized to carbon
dioxide and water in the
Peat forms when organic matter is not fully decomposed because
of acidic and/or anaerobic conditions in waterlogged soils
Partially decomposed organic matter from past ecological erres
was converted into coal or into oil and gas that accumulated in
porous rock
Carbon dioxide is produced by the
combustion of biomass and fossilized organic
Coal, Oil and gas are fossilized organic matter
Animals such as reef-building coral have hard parts that are decomposed of calcium
carbonate and can become fossilized in limestone
Climate change
Carbon dioxide and water vapour are the most sigificant green house
Other gases include methane and nitrogen oxide, they have
less impact
The impact of a gas depends on it's ability to absorb long
wave radiation as well as on its concentration in the
The warmed earth emits longer wave
Longer wave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases that
retain the heat in the atmosphere
Global temperatures and climate patterns are influenced by
concentration of greenhouse gases
Correlation between global temperatures and carbon dioxide
concentrations of earth
There is a correlation between rising
atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide
since the 18th century
Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide is due to buring of
fossil fuels