

Computer control
James Rushton
Mind Map by James Rushton, updated more than 1 year ago
James Rushton
Created by James Rushton over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Computer control means that a computer is part of the control system
    1. Sensors
      1. Device to measure some physical quantity
        1. Heat
          1. Light
            1. pH
              1. Humidity
              2. Advantages
                1. Can operate 24/7 without needing to rest
                  1. Work without wages
                    1. Can be used in dangerous environments
                    2. Disadvantages
                      1. May cost a lot of money to develop
                        1. If there is a power cut or the computer malfunctions it will not work
                        2. ADC (Analogue to Digital Converter)
                          1. Sensors take analogue measurements.
                            1. It must be converted to digital (0s and 1s)
                            2. Process
                              1. Computers can only follow rules that is has programmed in the control system
                              2. Output
                                1. Sending the message and the resulting action
                                2. Open loop feedback
                                  1. Takes no account of the output
                                    1. Simple to create
                                    2. Feedback system
                                      1. The output is fed back to become part of the input
                                        1. More precise control
                                          1. More complicated to create
                                          2. Actuator
                                            1. Allows a computer to control movement or action
                                            2. Examples
                                              1. Washing machines
                                                1. Automatic doors
                                                  1. Traffic light systems
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