Operating Systems


The 5 types of operating Systems
Mind Map by dylanstephens56, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dylanstephens56 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Operating Systems
  1. Multi-tasking
    1. An operating system which allows multiple programs to run at the same time.
    2. Multi-User
      1. An operating system which allows multiple users to be connected at the same time
      2. Single User
        1. An operating system which only allows a single user to be logged on at a given time.
        2. Real Time
          1. An operating system which can react quickly enough for an input to trigger a process being carried out.
          2. Distributed
            1. An operating system where the components are distributed across multiple nodes. For example, word processing software might be stored on one computer, and spreadsheet software could be stored on a second computer, and then data would be stored on a third computer.
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