Religion & Planet Earth


RE (Religion and Planet Earth) Mind Map on Religion & Planet Earth, created by Matthew Jones on 01/10/2013.
Matthew Jones
Mind Map by Matthew Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Jones
Created by Matthew Jones about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Religion & Planet Earth
  1. Origins of Life
    1. Theory of Evolution
      1. Charles Darwin
        1. 1800s
          1. Believed that humans evolved from apes
          2. Creation Story - Genesis 1
            1. God made everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th
              1. Day/Creation
                1. Day 1 - Light and Dark seperated
                  1. Day 2 - Sea and Sky created
                    1. Day 3 - Earth and Planets created
                      1. Day 4 - Sun, Moon & Stars created
                        1. Day 5 - Sea Creatures and Birds created
                          1. Day 6 - Animals and Humans created
                            1. Humans left till last as they are the most important "Made in God's image"
                            2. Day 7 - God rested
                          2. Guidlines - Type of christian that believe that God did create the world, but not over 7 days
                          3. Key Words
                            1. Creastionist - Type of christian that only believes in the creation story
                              1. Guidlines - Type of christian that believe that God did create the world, but not over 7 days
                                1. Stewardship - Humans are given a special responsibility within creation, to control, cultivate and guard the Earth. The idea is to protect it, not exploit it - links with sustainablilty
                                  1. How can anyone be a steward?
                                    1. Use alternative energy sorces
                                      1. Use public transport
                                        1. Join/Support a charity
                                          1. Christian Aid
                                            1. Conservation Work
                                              1. Planting Trees
                                                1. Rebuilding Areas
                                                2. Education
                                                  1. Teaching people about the damage we do, and how we can do something about it
                                                  2. Help in other countries
                                                    1. Give families animals to support themselves - Goats
                                            2. Interdependence - Human beings are part of God's creation. All parts of creation depend and are linked to each other. Any damage to a part of creation is damaging to humans - Food Chain
                                            3. Environmental Challenges in our World Today
                                              1. Top 3 Environmental Problems
                                                1. People attitude to the environment
                                                  1. Industrial waste is produced that can contain dangerous chemicals which are difficult to dispose safely.
                                                    1. Emissions from cars
                                                  2. Sustainable Living
                                                    1. High demand for fossil fuels
                                                      1. 1997 Kyoto Protocol agreed to reduce emissions
                                                        1. Conservation - Looking after the planet and environment, protecting animals and plants
                                                          1. Sustainable - Living
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