How religious experience may lead to belief in God


The main points.
Harry Eddison
Mind Map by Harry Eddison, updated more than 1 year ago
Harry Eddison
Created by Harry Eddison over 9 years ago

Resource summary

How religious experience may lead to belief in God
  1. Religious experience is something which makes people feel God's presence.
    1. People experience God in the numinous, conversion, miracles and answered prayers.
      1. Religious experience makes people feel that God is real, and so they believe he must exist
        1. Religious believers think they can make contact with God through prayer.
          1. Conversion experiences make people believe in God because they feel that God is calling them to do something for him.
            1. When people receive a numinous feeling they feel there is something greater than them, which they feel to be God. Ssuch a feeling is likely to lead them to believe in God.
              1. If the only explanation for something is a miracle you will start believing in God because a miracle is the only explanation you can think of.
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