Basic Physics


Topic 1
Mind Map by Kiran16, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kiran16 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Basic Physics
  1. Scalars: quantities with magnitude only
    1. examples
      1. density,mass,volume,time,length,work etc
    2. Vectors: quantities with magnitude and direction
      1. examples
        1. displacement,velocity,acceleration,force,momentum,gravitational field strength
      2. Newton's Third law
        1. If a body A exerts a force on body B, the body B exerts an equal and opposite force on A.
          1. identify a newton pair:
            1. the forces must be of the same type
              1. the forces act on different objects
            2. Free Body diagrams
              1. arrows must touch objects
                1. draw arrows approximately to scale
                  1. arrows must originate from where the force is acting
                  2. Newton's Second Law
                    1. F=ma
                    2. M= 1/gradient
                      1. TRIGNOMETRY
                        1. Components of Vectors
                          1. the components of a vector are usually determined in 2 perpendicular directions
                            1. Vertical Component: sin
                              1. Horizontal Component: cos
                            2. DENSITY: mass/volume
                              1. MOMENTS
                                1. Moment= f*d
                                  1. Equlibrium
                                    1. A body is in equilibrium when
                                      1. no resultant force acts on the body
                                        1. the net moment about any point are zero
                                      2. PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS
                                        1. Clockwise moments = Anti clockwise moments
                                          1. Sum of vertical forces is Zero
                                            1. F1 + F2 - R = 0
                                        2. CENTRE OF GRAVITY
                                          1. A point where the weight of the body or system may be considered to act
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