War and Peace_1


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Stefan TheKiwiCl
Mind Map by Stefan TheKiwiCl, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Andy_Tran over 9 years ago
Stefan TheKiwiCl
Copied by Stefan TheKiwiCl over 9 years ago

Resource summary

War and Peace_1
  1. Afghanistan War
    1. How
      1. United States started to invade Afghanistan
        1. Canada, Northern Alliance, United Kingdom and Australia joined to help
      2. When
        1. 2001-2014
          1. After 9/11 Attacks
          2. Why
            1. al-Qaeda was suspected of hiding in Afghanistan
              1. Talibans were suspected of hiding Osama there
              2. Taking out Talibans since they were supporting terrorism
              3. Where
                1. Kandahar, Afghanistan
                  1. Ruled by the Talibans at that time
                2. Who
                  1. al-Qaeda
                    1. Talibans
                      1. NATO (North Atlantic Alliance)
                        1. UN (United Nations)
                          1. Osama Bin Laden
                            1. Stephen Harper
                            2. What
                              1. Osama was suspected of hiding in Afghanistan
                                1. Protected by the Talibans
                                2. NATO started to train Afghanistan's Army, Air Force, and National Police
                                  1. Due to the 9/11 Attacks
                                    1. Objective was to take out Talibans and stop al-Qaeda
                                3. Cyprus Mission
                                  1. Who
                                    1. The President of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios
                                      1. 25,000 Canadian Armed Forces served in this mission
                                      2. What
                                        1. There was a war between the Greek and Turkish people in Cyprus
                                          1. Greek army officers tried to do a coup d'état against the president of Cyprus
                                            1. 3 Canadians died and 17 were injured,
                                            2. How
                                              1. "Green Line" was created by the UN
                                                1. It's a cease-re line and buer zone across Cyprus
                                                  1. It separated the portions of the island controlled by the Greeks and the Turks.
                                              2. Where
                                                1. Cyprus
                                                2. Why
                                                  1. Cyprus requested that the UN make a peacekeeping force for them
                                                    1. Stopping Turkish and Greece Cypriots from fighting
                                                    2. When
                                                      1. 1964-1993
                                                    3. Rwanda Genocide
                                                      1. When
                                                        1. The UN undertook missions there in 1993 to 1996
                                                          1. The killings started from April - July 1994
                                                          2. What
                                                            1. In April 7, 1994; The Hutus began to massacre hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus
                                                              1. An estimate of 500,000 to one million people were killed.
                                                              2. Where
                                                                1. Kigali, Rwanda
                                                                2. Who
                                                                  1. UNAMIR, Tutsi, Hutu, Habyarimana, Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira, Major-General Guy Tousignant, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Major-General Roméo Dallaire,
                                                                  2. Why
                                                                    1. Roméo Dallaire was informed of a group planning the genocide of Tutsi
                                                                      1. Dallaire reqeuested permission from the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations to raid the weapons cache but the UN declined his request.
                                                                      2. Dallaire also requested that the Security Council send in more men to strengthen his forces
                                                                        1. The Security Council refused his request and told the limited forces in Rwanda to withdraw as well.
                                                                      3. How
                                                                        1. Afterwards, the Security Council decided to send the requested soldiers which became UNAMIR2 into Rwanda even though the genocide was finished long ago.
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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