

University Science Mind Map on Evolution, created by examtime.user on 02/10/2013.
Mind Map by examtime.user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by PatrickNoonan about 11 years ago
Copied by examtime.user about 11 years ago

Resource summary



  • An example of this is how animals in hot climates have larger ears than similar animals in colder climates because big ears lose heat quickly, while small ears lose heat slowly.
  • Another example is how bees are striped to warn other animals that they are dangerous
  1. Micorevolution
    1. Shorter period of time
      1. Artificial Selection
        1. Breeding where individuals with desired traits are picked as parent generation
          1. Creates new breeds/variation
          2. Changes in gene frequency
            1. Positive, negative or no effect
              1. Genetic mutation
                1. Insertion
                  1. Deletion
                    1. Inversion
                    2. Within population/species
                      1. Natural
                    3. Macroevolution
                      1. Happens over millenia
                        1. Speciation
                          1. Reproductive isolation
                            1. Pre-zygotic
                              1. Prevention of fertilization
                                1. Mechanical
                                  1. Gametic
                                  2. Prevention of mating
                                    1. Temporal
                                      1. Different reproductive cycles
                                      2. Habitat isolation
                                        1. Behavioural isolation
                                          1. Mating signals
                                      3. Post-zygotic
                                        1. Prevention of maturation and reproduction
                                          1. Mortailty
                                            1. Infertile
                                        2. Sympatric
                                          1. Significant mutation happens to work
                                          2. Allopatric
                                            1. Prevents interbreeding, species slowly change
                                              1. Caused by barrier
                                          3. Charles Darwin
                                            1. Surveyed South America; Galapagos islands 1831-1836
                                              1. Natural Selection
                                                1. Observations
                                                  1. In each generation, more off-spring are produced than can survive
                                                    1. Populations do not grow in size
                                                      1. Individuals within a population compete for resources
                                                        1. Over time the population changes as advantageous heritable characterisitcs become more common generation after generation
                                                      2. Food and other resources are limited
                                                        1. Individuals within all populations vary
                                                          1. Many variations are heritable
                                                            1. Some individuals will inherit traits that give them a better chance of surviving and reproducing
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