Sonnet 116


My take on analysis of sonnet 116 of Shakespeare.
Mind Map by megsadaisy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by megsadaisy almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Sonnet 116
  1. Title shows Semantic field of nature and a journey
    1. "True minds" suggests an unbreakable bond
      1. Genuine/Truly
      2. "Love is not love" shows accept it for what it is, the same way you'd treat someone who you love.
        1. "Alteration finds" makes a constant/ forever feeling.
          1. "ever-fixed mark," this caesura shows an emotional attachment
            1. "is never shaken" is never changing, constant
          2. "It is the star to every wand'ring bark"- metaphoric for it is the guide to all who are lost.
            1. you will find your way when in love.
              1. the light in the dark.
            2. "Love's not time's fool" suggest that time fits itself to you, personifying time
              1. "rosy lips and cheeks" shows fool's makeup, illusions. Love isn't a fool can't be tainted by makeup.
                1. "sickle's compass come" knife/unknown/ warped/ambiguous.
                2. "brief hours and weeks"- this shows how short life is, but yet love will not falter .
                  1. "edge of doom" she (love) goes to hell and back
                    1. "writ" is a legal argument.
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