Outstanding Teacher


mind maps of the attributes of teachers
Lori Doll
Mind Map by Lori Doll, updated more than 1 year ago
Lori Doll
Created by Lori Doll almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Outstanding Teacher
  1. Compassion
    1. Aspiration
      1. can see the good
        1. see potential
        2. People
          1. For students
            1. Colleagues
              1. Parents
            2. Passion
              1. Conviction
                1. prinicples
                  1. philosophy
                  2. Content
                    1. Learning
                    2. Accomplished
                      1. Diligent
                        1. Excellence
                        2. Responsible
                          1. Follow through
                            1. policy
                            2. education
                              1. Proffession
                                1. Skills
                                2. Devoted
                                  1. Loyal
                                    1. relationships
                                    2. giving
                                      1. Generosity
                                        1. guidance
                                          1. time
                                          2. work towards goal
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                                          Definition: Skills
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