The Cradles of Child Development


Assignment 2
Jesmin Morton
Mind Map by Jesmin Morton, updated more than 1 year ago
Jesmin Morton
Created by Jesmin Morton over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Cradles of Child Development
  1. include
    1. Family
      1. consists of
        1. "at least one adult devoted to a child's health, education and welfare", (McDevitt, Ormrod, Cupit, Chandler & Aloa, 2013).
        2. is key
          1. in the socialisation of children
            1. meaning
              1. family members teach and model certain behaviours or beliefs by encouraging or discouraging them
                1. a child's development is influenced by their family structure and upbringing
                  1. because family
                    1. will enforce or discourage behaviours and beliefs
                      1. such as
                        1. curbing impulses
                          1. following rules
                            1. respect for adults
                          2. may encourage active participation in numerous activities such as sport, music or dance
                            1. which
                              1. can provide children with the skills involved in being social
                                1. such as
                                  1. teamwork
                                    1. discipline
                              2. provides certain resources and experiences
                                1. that can affect
                                  1. a child's cognitive development
                                    1. as
                                      1. some families may not be able to afford certain resources
                                        1. which can cause
                                          1. differences in academic abilities between children
                                            1. which
                                              1. is important for educators to understand
                                                1. as
                                                  1. it should not be assumed that all children have the same access to knowledge and resources
                                        2. low income families may not be able to provide children with worldly experiences such as travelling
                      2. Culture
                        1. is
                          1. the behaviours and beliefs of a certain social group
                            1. which can
                              1. influence children's behaviours, such as social practices, communication and divison of responsibilities
                                1. causing
                                  1. children to commonly imitate these behaviours and beliefs in class
                                    1. which
                                      1. is important for educators to be aware of
                                        1. because
                                          1. if a teacher doesn't know anything about "the cultural backgrounds, the dialects, the home and the community", (Quinton, 2013).
                                            1. then
                                              1. connections and relationships can not be made.
                                2. influence children's beliefs, such as independence, self-assertion, obedience and cooperation
                          2. Community
                            1. creates
                              1. a bridge to the outside world
                                1. and therefore
                                  1. children have access to community environments, networks and services.
                                    1. such as
                                      1. schools
                                        1. playgrounds
                                          1. sporting clubs
                                            1. parks
                                            2. which can influence
                                              1. advice given to parents from friends or neighbours
                                                1. the efforts to keep children on the acceptable pathways
                                                  1. what children perceive as their role in society
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