Cambridge Nationals R001 - Data storage


Potential areas for the May ICT Exam with notes
Mind Map by gComp, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mr Harvey
Created by Mr Harvey over 9 years ago
Copied by gComp over 9 years ago
Copied by gComp over 9 years ago
Copied by gComp over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cambridge Nationals R001 - Data storage
  1. Data Usage
    1. Priority Users
      1. Link feedback to users
        1. Primary key/unique id
        2. Storage on portable devices
          1. Data Protection
            1. Password to open
              1. Password to modify
                1. Encryption
                  1. Data is changed, on sender and receive have key to place it back to original
                2. Backing up and archiving data
                  1. Back up
                    1. Placing data onto another area in case the original is lost
                    2. Archive
                      1. Moving or backing up data not regular use but may be useful
                      2. Methods
                        1. Cloud
                          1. Tape
                            1. Son-Father-Grandfather


                              • Grandfather-father-son[edit] Grandfather-father-son backup refers to a common rotation scheme for backup media. In this scheme there are three or more backup cycles, such as daily, weekly and monthly. The daily backups are rotated on a daily basis using a FIFO system as above. The weekly backups are similarly rotated on a weekly basis, and the monthly backup on a monthly basis. In addition, quarterly, half-yearly, and/or annual backups could also be separately retained. Often some of these backups are removed from the site for safekeeping and disaster recovery purposes.
                            2. Hard Disk
                              1. Internal
                                1. External
                                2. Solid State Disk
                                  1. Costs more
                                    1. No moving parts
                                    2. Memory Stick
                                      1. Optical Disc
                                        1. DVD
                                          1. CD
                                            1. Blu-Ray
                                        2. Data Storage (mobile device)
                                          1. Cloud
                                            1. Internet storage
                                              1. Store large amounts
                                                1. Need Internet connection
                                                  1. Relatively cheap
                                                    1. Can share
                                                      1. Automatically backed up
                                                        1. Examples
                                                          1. AppleID
                                                            1. Dropbox
                                                              1. Sky Drive
                                                                1. Google Docs
                                                                2. Can Synchronise
                                                                3. Internal memory
                                                                  1. Save data on the phone
                                                                    1. Limited space
                                                                      1. Access offline
                                                                        1. How do you back up?
                                                                          1. Limited sharing
                                                                            1. Quick to access
                                                                            2. Card (SIM, SD)
                                                                              1. Move between devices
                                                                                1. Limited space
                                                                                  1. Quick to acces
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