Communication processes in project management at BACC


This is a draft only.
Mind Map by s-scholz, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by s-scholz almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Communication processes in project management at BACC
  1. Decision makers
    1. Curators at BACC
      1. Taking into consideration all external and internal factors
        1. Impact on funding
          1. Relevance of an art work/ artist
            1. Value to the public
          2. Art managers at BACC
          3. Stakeholders
            1. Sponsors
              1. Curators
                1. The government
                  1. The artists
                  2. Art projects
                    1. Artistic value
                      1. Exposure of young artists
                        1. The "Young Artists Network" Project at BACC
                          1. Investing in the future
                        2. Self-sustainability of projects
                        3. Touchstones for decision making processes
                          1. Operational demands
                            1. Artistic imagination
                            2. Preventive measures
                              1. Actual crisis
                                1. Will display of a work/ artist result in funding cuts?
                                  1. Does the
                                  2. Censorship
                                  3. Potential conflict
                                    1. Is a work of art offensive to certain people?
                                      1. How to present it to avoid conflict
                                        1. Hide it?
                                          1. Show it in the most normal way?
                                            1. Successful example at BACC: video of two guys kissing
                                    2. Decision making models
                                      1. Implicitly
                                        1. Explicitly
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