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AQA Psychology - Ethical Issues
Mind Map on AQA Psychology - Ethical Issues, created by beccajanewoolley on 12/04/2015.
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ethical issues
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over 9 years ago
Resource summary
AQA Psychology - Ethical Issues
Viewed as unethical because it can lead to participants taking part in something they don't want to do.
Can lead to people being reluctant to take part in psychological studies because psychologists are untrustworthy
Informed consent cannot be gained
It is sometimes necessary to hide the true aims of the study to avoid demand characteristics so natural behaviour can be observed
If deception is used, a full debrief should be carried out, retrospective informed consent should be gained and the right to withdraw emphasized
Right to Withdraw
Participants may need to withdraw if they feel distressed or want to withdraw their data if they do not agree with the aims of the study
This may lead to biased findings if a lot of a certain type of data is withdrawn
The right to withdraw should be offered to all participants, even if only until the data is published
Informed Consent
Participants may feel that they should be told the aims and procedure of the study so that they can decide whether to participate or not
This was made a basic human right after the Nuremburg war trials
This could lead to demand characteristics, lowering the internal validity
Researchers may not be able to accurately predict risks.
Protection from harm
Without being protected from harm, people would be reluctant to participate in psychological studies
Some important questions cannot be answered without causing some distress
Harm-free experiments can be hard to guarantee due to individual differences
A participant should be exposed to no greater harm than they would be in real life.
Harm can be psychological or physical so the participant must leave in the same state they were in before
The Data Protection Act makes confidentiality a legal requirement
Without confidentiality, people may be reluctant to participate in psychological studies
It can be hard to guarantee confidentiality because participants may be identified by their answers, but anonymity can be guarentreed
Invasion of Privacy
It can be hard to avoid invasion of privacy when observing people without their knowledge
Participants may disagree to being observed in certain places
Researchers can only observe people without their knowledge in public places
Animal Rights
It may not be possible to answer biological psychology questions on humans due to protection from harm rules
Some people believe that animals should have the same protection from harm as humans
Without animal rights, researchers may find it hard to find animals to use
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