Most Common Problems in the Chest


Medical problems happen in the chest
Ezzah Hasbullah
Mind Map by Ezzah Hasbullah, updated more than 1 year ago
Ezzah Hasbullah
Created by Ezzah Hasbullah over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Most Common Problems in the Chest
  1. Lungs
    1. Smoker's Lung
      1. Causes
        1. smoking
          1. passive smoker
          2. How to avoid?
            1. stop smoking
              1. avoid cigarette smokes
          3. Heart
            1. Heart Attack
              1. Causes
                1. high blood pressure
                  1. diabetes mellitus
                    1. high cholesterol
                    2. How to avoid?
                      1. take medication for blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol if indicated
                        1. exercise
                          1. healthy diet: less salt and sugar, less oily food
                            1. stop smoking
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