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Economic System
My mind map for my assignment
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economic systems
acc 422 entire course assignments (intermediate financial accounting ii)
eco 550 all assignments
Mind Map by
Sabrina Chowdhury
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Sabrina Chowdhury
almost 10 years ago
Resource summary
Economic System
Trade Show System
the company members go to the market pay to buy materials to manufacture products
-thats money goes to:
Paying taxes to government
Buying products for the store to sell
Oil industry for the car usage
Company sell products
Customers pay to buy product
that money goes to:
Paying back company members expenses
Profit divided by the company members evenly
profit is used to buy other products for personal matters
Paying taxes to government
Employees, Manager
Keep the store running
Everyday Life Systems
Market, Retail Stores, Restaurants
Consumers pay money
- that money goes to:
Employees, Manager
Buying products for the store to sell
Keep the store running
Paying taxes to government
Transportation System
-that money goes to:
Oil Industry
Bus drivers, pilots, air hosts, etc
-transportation manufacturing companies
Government taxes
Education system
-students learn
-Teachers teach
-Government pays teachers' salary
-students' family pay taxes for food, home, etc.
Consumers pay money
Consumers pay money to travel
Media attachments
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