Ecological Footprint - Eating Fast Food


How eating fast food affects the environment
Mind Map by Madall23, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Madall23 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ecological Footprint - Eating Fast Food
  1. Forests
    1. Napkins, paper cups, etc. are made from paper and are generally not recycled
      1. More paper waste means more trees are cut down
      2. Fisheries
        1. Some fast food restaurants serve fish (burgers, tacos, etc.)
          1. With such a large population and so much wasted/uneaten food, a great deal of stress is put on fish populations
          2. Built Space
            1. Fast food restaurants are hardly ever 2 stories, meaning they take up a lot of horizontal space
              1. Many stores are much larger than necessary, but are built to feel open and look "nice"
                1. Parking lots, company factories, and chain store offices also contribute to taking up more space
                2. Energy
                  1. Energy powers the machines (fryer, washing machine, etc.) at fast food restaurants
                    1. Energy is used to process/make the items sold (cups, wrappers, food, etc.)
                      1. Lights on in the restaurants and powering the inside and outside signs use up a lot of energy, especially in stores open for 24 hours
                      2. Cropland
                        1. A huge amount of cropland is used to grow plants like wheat that are used in fast food. These crops also feed livestock.
                          1. Natural areas like forests or marshes are destroyed to make more room for cropland.
                          2. Pasture
                            1. Livestock used in fast food are kept in pastures.
                              1. Pastures sometimes replace natural areas and habitats like forests or grasslands.
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