Curley's Personality


GCSE English Literature (Unit 1 - Of Mice and Men) Mind Map on Curley's Personality, created by katesophie on 18/04/2015.
Mind Map by katesophie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katesophie almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Curley's Personality
  1. Control freak
    1. All talk and no trousers
      1. Little man syndrome
        1. Quick to blame others
          1. Paranoid
            1. Calculating
              1. All bark no bite
                1. Turns a blind eye to his wifes' behaviour
                  1. Spoiled
                    1. arrogant
                      1. Animalistic
                        1. Sleaze
                          1. Vicious
                            1. Big headed
                              1. confrontational
                                1. Bossy
                                  1. "Curley stepped gingerly close to him"
                                    1. "Think I dont know where they all went? Even Curley"
                                      1. "Curley stepped over to Lennie like a terrier"
                                        1. "Curley is like a lot of little guys.He hates big guys"
                                          1. "Dirty little rat"
                                            1. "He don't like nobody"
                                              1. "You won't tell Curley nothing I said?"
                                                1. "an' if Curley gets tough, you can break his other han'"
                                                  1. "You didn't put nothing over on me about gettin' it caught in no machine"
                                                    1. "The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie's big hand"
                                                      1. "Curley says he's keepin' that hand soft for his wife"
                                                        1. "He don't like nobody"
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