Measured the correlation
between how long the sleeper had
been in REM sleep and the length
of their dream
Quasi Experiment
Measured the correlation between
length of taxi driver's experience and
the structural change of the
To calculate the correlation coefficient
To quantify the strength of
relationship between two
Correlation Coefficient: A mathematical
measure of the degree of relatedness
between two sets of data where two scores
have been gained from each participant
A value between -1 and +1
+1 = Perfect positive correlation
-1 = Perfect negative correlation
Data can be plotted on a scattergraph
With a line of best fit
Positive Correlation: Both variable increase
No Correlation: No line of best fit
Negative Correlation: One variable increases, the other decreases
Allow researchers to calculate the strength
of a relationship between variables
Correlation can make predictions about one variable
from the other
More detailed research
Can't assume one
variable causes another
Correlation bewtween variables
can be misleading/misinterpreted
No correlation may not mean there isn't a relationship
because the relationship may be non-linear
Researching relationships between socially sensitive
subjects such as IQ and ethnicity can be
misinterpreted as 'cause and effect'