Visible Light & the Solar System


Physics Unit 1, Topic 1
Mind Map by larissa.hayden08, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by larissa.hayden08 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Visible Light & the Solar System
  1. P1.1 The Solar System
    1. observations
      1. radio waves
        1. naked eye
          1. telescopes
            1. photographs
              1. microwaves
              2. changing ideas
                1. old - geocentric
                  1. new - heliocentric
                  2. Galileo
                    1. used telescopes & saw 4 moons around Jupiter
                      1. supported heliocentric model
                  3. P1.2 Refracting Telescopes
                    1. refraction
                      1. speed changes when it goes into a different material
                        1. changes direction
                      2. lenses
                        1. fatter lens=shorter focal length
                          1. found by focusing rays onto paper
                            1. focal length=distance from lens to paper
                        2. telescopes
                          1. objective lens forms image
                            1. eyepiece lens magnifies image
                          2. P1.4 Reflecting Telescopes
                            1. reflection
                              1. light bounces off boundary
                              2. telescopes
                                1. primary mirror focuses rays
                                  1. eyepiece lens magnifies image
                                2. P1.5 Waves
                                  1. waves
                                    1. transfer energy+info not matter
                                      1. frequency=no. waves passing a point per second
                                      2. calculations
                                        1. types
                                          1. longitudinal
                                            1. sound
                                              1. seismic P waves
                                                1. particles travel in same direction as wave
                                                2. transverse
                                                  1. electromagnetic
                                                    1. seismic S waves
                                                      1. particles travel perpendicularly to wave direction
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