Waves & the Universe


Physics U1 T3
Mind Map by larissa.hayden08, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by larissa.hayden08 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Waves & the Universe
  1. P1.11 The Universe
    1. definitions
      1. solar system
        1. the Sun, the planets + their moons
          1. part of Milky Way galaxy
          2. galaxy
            1. collection of stars
            2. Universe
              1. made of of all the galaxies
            3. relative distances
              1. 1. moon=closest
                1. 2. Sun
                  1. 3. planets
                    1. 4. stars
                      1. 5. other galaxies=furthest
                      2. relative sizes
                        1. 1. moon=smallest
                          1. 2. Earth
                            1. 3. planets
                              1. 4. Sun&stars
                                1. 5. galaxies
                                  1. 6. Universe=biggest
                                2. P1.13 Exploring the Universe
                                  1. electromagnetic radiation telescopes
                                    1. show things visible light can't detect
                                    2. modern telescopes
                                      1. improved magnification
                                        1. see far away galaxies
                                        2. photography
                                          1. gather more data
                                          2. made with greater precision
                                            1. clearer images
                                            2. electromagnetic telescopes
                                              1. see objects that can't been seen using visible light
                                            3. telescope location
                                              1. in space
                                                1. microwaves
                                                  1. infrared
                                                    1. UV
                                                      1. gamma
                                                        1. Xrays
                                                          1. some visible light
                                                            1. dust, water vapour, pollution can distort image
                                                          2. on earth
                                                            1. visible light
                                                              1. radio waves
                                                          3. P1.14 Alien Life?
                                                            1. signs of life
                                                              1. liquid water
                                                                1. oxygen
                                                                  1. from photosynthesising plants
                                                                  2. chemical changes
                                                                    1. e.g. methane
                                                                  3. methods
                                                                    1. space probes
                                                                      1. soil experiment by landers/rovers
                                                                        1. SETI
                                                                          1. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
                                                                      2. P1.15 Life Cycles of Stars
                                                                        1. left hand path
                                                                          1. stars similar size to our Sun
                                                                          2. right hand path
                                                                            1. stars bigger than Sun
                                                                              1. massive stars
                                                                            2. gravity
                                                                              1. pulls a nebula together
                                                                                1. the hydrogen gets hot as GPE converted to thermal
                                                                                2. pulls collapsed red giant together
                                                                                  1. forming white drwarf
                                                                              2. P1.16 Theories about the Universe
                                                                                1. steady state
                                                                                  1. universe has always existed
                                                                                    1. it is expanding
                                                                                      1. new matter is being created
                                                                                      2. big bang
                                                                                        1. whole universe started as a tiny particle 13.5billion ys ago
                                                                                          1. universe expanding from this+is still expanding
                                                                                          2. evidence
                                                                                            1. cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation
                                                                                              1. microwave radiation originally from big bang
                                                                                              2. red shift
                                                                                                1. object moving away has increased wavelength+decreased freq
                                                                                                  1. black lines 'shifted' to red end of spectrum
                                                                                            2. P1.17 Red-Shift
                                                                                              1. stars
                                                                                                1. the more distant the star-greater the red shift
                                                                                                  1. sun is closer
                                                                                                    1. distant star
                                                                                                  2. theories
                                                                                                    1. proves universe is expanding
                                                                                                      1. supports both theories
                                                                                                        1. but BB is accepted due to CMB radiation
                                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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