F324 All Reactions


Inorganic Chemistry F325 (Module.3 Transition Elements) Mind Map on F324 All Reactions, created by mayy on 19/04/2015.
Mind Map by mayy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mayy almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

F324 All Reactions
  1. Alkanes
    1. Combustion
      1. Incomplete
        1. Forms CO/C + H2O
          1. Carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin irreversably so can be toxic
        2. Complete
          1. Forms CO2 + H2O
          2. As size of molecules increase the more Van Der Waals Forces there are so they don't vaporise as easily and so are harder to ignite
          3. Halogenation
            1. R-CH3 + Cl2 --> R-CH2Cl + HCl
            2. Cracking
              1. Hydrocarbons are split in to smaller more useful molecules
            3. Alkenes
              1. Hydrogenation
                1. Alkene + H2 --> Alkane
                  1. 100% Atom Economy
                  2. Nickel Catalyst at 150˚c
                  3. Halogenation (Electrophilic Addition)
                    1. Alkene + Halogen --> Halogenoalkane
                    2. with Hydrogen Halides
                      1. Reaction Rates
                        1. HI HBr HCl HF
                    3. Halogenoalkanes
                      1. Nucleophili c Substitution
                        1. Elimination
                          1. with Ammonia
                          2. Alcohols
                            1. Oxidation
                              1. Primary
                                1. Forms Aldehyde
                                  1. CH3CH2OH + [O] --> CH3CHO + H2O
                                    1. Further Oxidation forms a Carboxylic acud
                                      1. CH3CHO + [O] --> CH3COOH
                                  2. Tertiary
                                    1. Do not oxidise as no Hydrogen atoms on the carbon to set up the C=O bond
                                    2. Secondary
                                      1. Forms a Ketone
                                        1. CH3CHOHCH3 + [O] --> CH3C=OCH3 + H2O
                                      2. Reducing Agent: K2Cr2O7
                                        1. Cr₂O₇²- + 14H⁺ + 6e⁻ --> 2Cr³⁺ + 7H₂o
                                          1. Primary: Green Secondary : Green Tertiary : Orange
                                        2. Dehydration
                                          1. CH3CH2OH --> H2C=CH2 + H2O
                                            1. Reagants and COnditions: Heated with excess conc H3PO4 at 170℃
                                            2. with Sodium
                                              1. CH₃CH₂OH + 2Na --> 2CH₃CH₂O⁻Na⁺ + H₂
                                              2. With Hydrogen Halides
                                                1. R-OH + HX --> R-X + H2O
                                              3. Acid Anhydrides
                                                1. Esters
                                                  1. Hydrolysis
                                                    1. Acid
                                                      1. Ester + H⁺ --> Carboxylic acid + Alcohol
                                                        1. Reagants and COnditions: Dilute HCL heated under reflux
                                                        2. Alkali
                                                          1. Ester + OH⁻ --> Carboxylate salt + Alcohol
                                                            1. Reagants and Conditions: Dilute NaOH heated under reflux
                                                            2. Polyesters
                                                          2. Aldehydes
                                                            1. Ketones
                                                              1. Carboxylic Acids
                                                                1. Amines
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