Harold Wilson 1964-70


Harold Wilson revision resource
Mind Map by tyler.a, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tyler.a over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Harold Wilson 1964-70
  1. Wilson's Economic Inheritance
    1. Loss of £££ from common-wealth
      1. Welfare state- Expensive ££
        1. TU Power increasing
          1. £800 million national debt
            1. Moving towards a post-industrial economy
              1. A serious problem w/how to balance the books
                1. DeGaulle reluctance to allow Britain into EEC
                2. WIlson's Personal Appeal
                  1. Young- 40% of the population were under 25
                    1. Charming- "cheeky chap", opportunistic
                      1. Grammar school educated
                        1. Innovative- the 60's, new era, "white heat of techonolgy", scientific revolution
                          1. Mixed with celebs to appear "fashionable"
                          2. Successes
                            1. Comprehensive schools, the Open University and expanding HE
                              1. Jenkins' "Civilised Society"
                                1. 1965- Race Relations Act
                                  1. Flogging in the penal code ended
                                    1. 1965- Death Penalty abolished
                                      1. 1967- Abortion Act
                                        1. 1967- Sexual Offences Act (Homosexuality for males 21+)
                                          1. 1968- Theatre Act
                                            1. 1969- Divorce Act
                                              1. 1969- Voting age reduced to 18
                                              2. (NOT DIRECTLY) Autumn 1969- Upswing in world trade, a balance of payments surplus
                                                1. Ministry of Arts- funding for Arts Council, broaden cultural opportunities
                                                2. Failures
                                                  1. George Brown's DEA created a National Plan-Undermined by the treasury, proposals ignored
                                                    1. 1967- £ fell from $2.80 to $2.40
                                                      1. Outbreak of Arab-Israeli war. Closed Suez Canal, trade ↓
                                                        1. Dock strikes in London and Merseyside
                                                          1. Oct 1967- worst monthly trade deficit
                                                          2. Britain lost super power status
                                                            1. "In Place of Strife"- Barbara Castle
                                                              1. Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968- Tories criticised "racist"
                                                                1. Despite 1967 devaluation inflation was 12% by 1969-70
                                                                  1. EEC entry refusal
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