Literature - The Kite Runner


English Lit Mind Map on Literature - The Kite Runner, created by ellie-marshall on 20/04/2015.
Mind Map by ellie-marshall, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Allyyyyy over 9 years ago
Copied by ellie-marshall over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Literature - The Kite Runner
      1. Protagonist Amir recieves a phone call regarding his past in Afghanistan
        1. Amir alludes to a significant event that occured during "The winter of 1975"
          1. A cryptic introduction to the story, if the synopsis is not known at least. However, the reader can keep in mind that despite the events that occur throughout the novel, Amir still ends up in America at the point at which he is narrating.
            1. TIME AND SEQUENCE
              1. Begins with a date (December 2001) and makes several references back to the past
                1. "Winter of 1975" / "The last twenty-six years" / "One day last summer"
                2. A huge amount of time has passed since the event alluded to, which suggests a distorted perception of time and may mean that the childhood memories, as shown through the mind of an adult, may be given a different perspective than if they were fresh and new
                1. SCENES AND PLACES
                  1. Strong descriptions of San Francisco and an allusion to Kabul
                    1. A comparison between the two, perhaps not as effective as Time and Sequence as the link between the two is not as strong
              3. CHAPTER TWO
                1. KEY EVENTS
                  1. Hassan and Ali are introduces, as servants to Amir and his father Baba. Hassan and Amir are best friends as well as their 'professional' relationship
                    1. Hassan and Amir were born in and live in the same place, and both have no mother (Amir's died in childbirth and Hassan's ran away soon after he was born).
                      1. Amir is a Pashtun and Hassan is a Hazara.
                      2. SIGNIFICANT NARRATIVE METHODS
                        1. CHARACTERS
                          1. There is a clear contrast between Baba and Amir and Ali and Hassan, notably between Baba and Ali.
                            1. They are different kinds of fathers to their sons - in Afghanistan the Pashtun group was seen as 'better', so it might be the Pashtun father who would be presented as better, but it is the opposite.
                              1. Ali is kind to both Amir and Hassan even though Hassan is his son, but Baba is nicer to Hassan than to whom we know as his son, Amir.
                            2. It is significant to talk about who is not present as well as who is (Amir and Hassan's mother's both being absent)
                          2. ADDITIONAL NARRATIVE METHODS
                            1. VOICES IN THE STORY
                              1. Lots of the story is recounted, almost like rumor or legend, which is relevant as Ali speaks of a legend about the devil. When Sanaubar (Hassan's mother) is mentioned, via a midwife who says "I have heard that.." which gives the impression of speculation and gossip.
                                1. The style is almost autobiographical
                                2. TIME AND SEQUENCE
                                  1. If the chronology were linear, it would be logical, but it's not and that is relevant as the story is not logical either.
                                    1. Use of anaphoric and cataphoric references
                                3. CHAPTER THREE
                                  1. KEY EVENTS
                                    1. Baba builds an orphanage - Amir's jealousy is introduced, not just of Hassan but even the orphans who seem to get more of Baba's attention than he does
                                      1. Baba is shown in greater detail. He expresses his contempt towards religious figures and implies that he is more moral than religious.
                                        1. Baba is presented as a strong, fearless character. Subsequently, the differences between Amir and his father are further explored.
                                        2. SIGNIFICANT NARRATIVE METHODS
                                          1. CHARACTERS
                                            1. The contrast between characters is explored within the chapter, again. Amir and Baba are compared, as are Amir and Hassan towards the end of the chapter.
                                              1. Amir's point of view constantly alludes to the fact taht he is more similar to his father than anyone thinks, but not in a good way.
                                            2. POINT OF VIEW
                                              1. Seen through Amir's eyes, still strongly emotive after a long time of reflection
                                                1. The reader begins to sympathise with Amir that his father seems so disinterested in him, but we also begin to wonder if Amir is a 'nice' character.
                                                  1. SUPPORTING QUOTE; "I already hated all the kids he was building the orphanage for; sometimes I wished they'd all died along with their parents."
                                          2. CHAPTER FOUR
                                            1. KEY EVENTS
                                              1. It becomes apparent that Baba and Ali were friends in the same way that Hassan and Amir are now.
                                                1. The social / religious issues (Hazara vs. Pashtun, Sunni vs. Shi'a) are consolidated
                                                  1. Baba's father took orphaned Ali in when he was 5 years old
                                                  2. Hassan and Amir's relationship is explored, but Amir can be cruel - he plays tricks on Hassan frequently
                                                    1. Amir discovers as a result of this that he has a talent for storytelling and writing
                                                      1. Rahim Khan supports Amir more than his own father
                                                    2. SIGNIFICANT NARRATIVE METHODS
                                                      1. TIME AND SEQUENCE
                                                        1. References to Ali and Baba's childhood provides a comparison to Amir and Hassan's youth
                                                        2. CHARACTERS
                                                          1. Routines of the main characters (ethnicity) (ethnic divisions) - displays this and the difference between the characters
                                                            1. This - as well as Time and Sequence - shows that history repeats itself in the novel. The division goes back for generations, and may continue for more
                                                          2. VOICES IN THE STORY
                                                            1. Inner voice of Hassan shows his intelligence and devotion to Amir / Amir's shows an unsettling aversion to Hassan even though he's meant to be his best friend
                                                        3. CHAPTER FIVE
                                                          1. KEY EVENTS
                                                            1. Assef introduced as an antagonist to the story
                                                              1. Hassan stands up for himself and Amir, when really it should be Amir doing the 'standing up'.
                                                                1. Huge time skip "For the next couple of years" up to the point where Hassan has an operation to correct his cleft lip
                                                                  1. Introduces the idea that the 'bad event' that has been alluded to throughout is somewhere close on the horizon ("Which was ironic. Because that was that winter that Hassan stopped smiling.")
                                                                    1. Shows Baba's kindness and fondness of Hassan that he's giving him a gift that really matters and that will last, but also highlights his superficiality - Baba is changing Hassan's looks to please him, or himself? It may be well meaning, but there are visual limitations - what is wrong with society.
                                                                  2. SIGNIFICANT NARRATIVE METHODS
                                                                    1. CHARACTERS
                                                                      1. Huge, detailed description and introduction of Assef, more detailed than any other character so far.
                                                                        1. This is indicative of how he will go on to play a major role in the story.
                                                                      2. VOICES IN THE STORY
                                                                        1. Hassan's repetitive use of the formal respect term "Agha" even when he is threatening to hurt Amir
                                                                          1. Shows that he is aware of where he stands socially ("What it must be like to live with such an ingrained sense of one's place in a hierarchy")
                                                                            1. Sense of justice is flawed in their societal microcosm.
                                                                          2. Baba reveals his somewhat flawed love for both Hassan as well as Amir
                                                                      3. CHAPTER SIX
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