Alleles: differences in
genes for particular
Meiosis & fertilisation produce new combinations of alleles
Possible to have completely new alleles form
Happens when a mistake is made as
DNA is being replicated e.g a missing
nucleotide, an extra nucleotide or a
nucleotide replacing another
In sexual reproduction, alleles are shuffled around, each time a new
organism is produced there is more chance of variation (More than in
a plant) because in principle any male gamete can fuse with any
female gamete
Gives an almost infinite
number of combinations of
possible variations
Environmental Variation
Differences between organisms due to the environment
2 people with the same alleles to make them tall
but have very different diets can be very different
2 plants with identical genes can be a
different size due to one being in the shade
& the other being in the sun
Can arise throughout the lifetime but can not
be inherited as it is not caused by DNA
Discontinous Variation
Variation where each organism belongs to one of a few clearly defined groups
E.g Human ABO Blood Groups: A, B, AB, O. No in-betweens
Almost always caused by genes, with little or no environmental
Usually just 1/2 genes involved each having only a
few alleles e.g Human ABO blood groups are
controlled by a single gene with 3 alleles
Continous Variation
Variation where there is a continuous range
of values between 2 extremes
E.g eye or human skin colour is impossible to categorise in clearly defined
E.g Oxford Ragwort leaf length can range
between 2mm to 180mm, any length
between those values is possible
May be caused by genes, environment or both
E.g human eye colour is genes
Skin colour can be both due to how
much exposure to sunlight
Leaf length is environmental due to how much
sunlight they get
Most variations in humans is continuous
influenced by genes & environment