Hitler's Germany


Jordan Clewlow
Mind Map by Jordan Clewlow, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Katie Nunn
Created by Katie Nunn over 9 years ago
Jordan Clewlow
Copied by Jordan Clewlow over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hitler's Germany
  1. How and why was Hitler able to become Chancellor in January 1933?
    1. The Great Depression 1929
      1. Germany was particularly badly affected. Germany had borrowed lots of money from America and now the Americans were asking for it back..
        1. The German economy collapsed, businesses went bankrupt and huge amounts of Germans lost heir jobs.
          1. Said the Treaty of Versailles was a crime so promised to get rid of it, because of the depression, people were ready to listen.
          2. Fear of communism
            1. Lots of Germans were scared that the communists, who had also done well in the elections, would take over.
            2. German felt let down by the government (weimar)
              1. The Democratic government could not agree how to get people back to work.
                1. This led to extremist parties like the Nazis and the communists getting a lot of support.
                  1. Massive unemployment 6 million 1933
                  2. Hitler was clever
                    1. He promised things that appealed to a wide range of people.
                      1. FARMERS
                        1. BUSINESS MEN
                          1. UNEMPLOYED
                          2. He promised "WORK AND BREAD" to the millions unemployed and starving
                          3. Hitlers personality
                            1. Hitler was a very good speaker
                            2. Very well organised
                              1. They set up newspapers to print Nazi Leaflets and posters,
                                1. They set up offices to recruit loyal followers
                                  1. Hitler youth was set up to encourage young followers.
                                    1. After the disorganisation in the Reichstag, the nazi party seemed like it could take Germany out of the depression
                                    2. Elections of 1930 and 1932
                                      1. President Hindenburg had to find a new Chancellor. This should have been Hitler's job but Hindenburg didn't trust him
                                        1. He gave the job to other people first, but in the end, due to Hitler's popularity, Hindenburg had to give and and in January 1933 Hitler was declared chancellor.
                                    3. How did Hitler change Germany from a demooracy to a Nazi dictatorship, 1933-1934, and then reinforce this?
                                      1. How Hitler became Fuhrer
                                        1. Reichstag was mysteriously set on fire in February 1933 and was blamed on Communists.
                                          1. Hitler claimed he needed emergency powers so that he could rule without the Reichstag's interference. This was called the ENABLING ACT and it was passed in March 1933
                                            1. He quickly banned all Trade Unions and any oppositions to ensure complete control.
                                              1. In the NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES Hitler killed all of the S.A, his previous friends, as he saw them as a threat.
                                                1. A month later president HINDENBURG died. Hitler combined the posts of President and Chancellor and became FUHRER.
                                                  1. GERMANY WAS NOW A DICTATORSHIP
                                        2. How Hitler and the Nazi's maintained control
                                          1. PERSUASION
                                            1. Propaganda was used to spread certain ideas to try to control how people thought. Nazis took over the media, controlled radio programs and used films and posters to spread their message The Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda was led by Goebbels.
                                              1. Censorship was used to control what information was in book, newspapers and films (etc). Those who dared to publish anti Nazi material risked execution. Their censorship also encouraged anti-semitism.
                                              2. VIOLENCE
                                                1. The Nazi's ruled by fear. The vicious SS and the Gestapo would hunt anybody who did not agree with Nazi ideas, they would then be sent to concentration camps. People were encouraged to inform on their neighbours if they thought that they were anti-Nazi
                                                  1. Anybody who did not fit into Hitler's ideas of the perfect human race were seen as inferior and were ill treated. Such as: Jews, homosexuals, Gypsys and disabled people
                                                    1. Nuremburg Laws
                                                      1. Stopped Jews from being German citizens.
                                                        1. Banned marriage between Jews and Non-Jews
                                                2. To what extent did Germans benefit from Nazi rule?
                                                  1. German growth under the Nazis
                                                    1. Hitler gave work to 6 million unemployed. He started a huge program of public works; Huge motorways were started, army conscription was introduced... (etc)
                                                      1. The unemployment figures were not entirely truthful, women were no longer included in the figures as they were encouraged to stay at home. Also, Jews were no longer included in the figures, the men forced to join the army were not included in the figures, also.
                                                      2. Hitler encouraged people to work withj rewards. He set up a special organisation called 'STRENGTH THROUGH JOY'' hich organised activities and ebem jholidays for hard working people. This was also a method of Nazi control because they were even controlling Nazi leasure time.
                                                      3. Young people
                                                        1. Created youth groups like; HITLER YOUTH for boys and GERMAN MAIDENS for girls
                                                          1. They controlled education as school taught Nazi propaganda.
                                                            1. Teachers had to join the Nazi Teachers Assosciation
                                                              1. They burned Jewish and anti-Nazi books.
                                                                1. Children were taught to hate the Jews.
                                                                2. Boys were taught to fight, fire guns and march whilst the girls were taught to sew,cook, keep fit and look after babies. This tells us that the boys were being taught to be soldiers and the girls to be good wives and mothers.
                                                                  1. Nazi's believed that to control the future they had to control the children and their mothers.
                                                                3. Women
                                                                  1. Women were expected toi raise large families
                                                                    1. The Nazis even gave out loans to encourage couples to have large families
                                                                      1. Nazis believed that women existed to have children to provide future Nazis
                                                                        1. Women were banned from following certain professions and many female doctors, lawyers (etc) were sacked.
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