transport water and
minerals from the roots up
to the leaves.
Xylem vessel
dead cells, thick
walls and lignin
(waterproofs the
walls of the cell)
Lignin allows the stem to be
flexible due to the patters in the
cell wall, e.g. spiral or reticulate.
some places lignification is not complete which
leaves pores called pits. this allows water to
leave one vessel and enter another, or into
living parts of a plant.
dead skin cells
aligned end to
end to form
narrow tubes, capillary
action is effective
(tubes don't burst)
pits in lignified walls to
allow water movement to
adjacent vessels
lignin deposited in
walls in spiral,
annular or reticulate
patterns to allow
xylem to stretch
no nucleus, cell contents, end
wall or cytoplasm; good flow of
transport sugars from one
part of plant to another
2 types of cell.
Sieve Tubes
not true cells as they do not have a
nucleus and very little cytoplasm
sucrose is transported (cells lined end-end) ,
sucrose dissolved in water to form sap.
cross walls at intervals called sieve plates,
perforated by pores to allow sap to flow
thin walls and 5-6
Companion Cells
in between sieve tubes with large nucleus
and dense cytoplasm
numerous mitochondria to produce
ATP. They carry out metabolic
processes needed by sieve tube
includes using ATP as a source of
energy to load sucrose into sieve
cytoplasm of cell and sieve tube
elements are linked through
plasmodesmata (gaps in cell walls
allowing communication and flow of
Water Potential
measure of tendency of water
molecules to diffuse from one
place to another
water moves from
high water potential
to low potential
pure water has a water
potential of zero.
cells have a negative
water potential
because they contain
dissolved salts and
lower water potential: more negative;
higher water potential: less negative
turgidity and plasmolysis
when water leaves a cell the
cytoplasm and vacuole shrink.
The cytoplasm loses contact
with the cell wall, this is known
as plasmolysis
when water enters a cell the
water pressure exerts pressure on
the cell wall. The cell wall
becomes full with water, this is
known as being turgid.
pathways water molcules can take
apoplast pathway
cellulose cell walls have many water filled
spaces between cellulose molecules,
water does not pass through any plasma
membranes which means dissolved
mineral ions and salts can be carried with
the water.
symplast pathway
water enters cytoplasm through plasma
membrane, (passes through plasmodesmata
from one cell to the next), water can move
through the continuous cytoplasm from cell to
Plasmodesmata: gaps in the cell wall that contain a thin strand
of cytoplasm
vacuolar pathway
water enters cytoplasm, and passes through the
vacuole back out into the cytoplasm and a vacuole of
an adjacent cell
the loss of water from
the aerial parts of a plant
due to evaporation
water vapour diffuses
down a water potential
3 processes are involved in
1. osmosis from the xylem to
mesophyll cells
2. evaporation from the surface of
the mesophyll cells into the
intercellular spaces
spongy mesophyll cells have large
air spaces between them which
help water vapour diffuse
3. diffusion of water vapour from the
intercellular spaces out through the
water that is lost needs to be
replaced, water is useful in a
number ways
water keeps the cells turgid
required for photosynthesis
flow of water carries essential
nutrients and minerals
estimates the rate
of water loss
cut the shoot
underwater to prevent
any air bubbles getting in
what affects the rate of transpiration?
wind speed
surface area
size and position of stomata
waxy cuticle
plant that is adapted to reduce water
loss so that it can survive in very dry
structural and behavioural adaptations to reduce water loss
smaller needle
like leaves:
reduces total
surface area
densely pack spongy mesophyll:
reduces surface area exposed to
the air
pits containing stomata: trap air which
can become saturated with water
vapour (water vapour potential has
been reduced)
rolled up leaves so lower epidermis is
not exposed: traps air so it can
become saturated (water vapour
potential has been reduced)
hair on the surface:
traps air so it becomes
saturated (water
vapour potential has
been reduced)
transport of assimilates
throughout the plant, in
the phloem tissue
sugars are transported in the
phloem in the form of sucrose
source and sink
releases sucrose into the phloem
water potential reduces at the sieve
tube element as sucrose enters
water molecules move into the
sieve tube element by osmosis
this increases the hydrostatic pressure in the sieve tube (at the source)
removes sucrose from the phloem
sucrose molecules move by diffusion or
active transport from the sieve tube into
surrounding cells
this increases the water potential in the sieve tube
water molecules move into the
surrounding cells by osmosis
this decreases the hydrostatic pressure in
the sink (at the phloem)
sucrose can be
converted to starch
from storage or used in
a metabolic process;
e.g. respiration
reduces sucrose concentration
in cells
mass flow
a flow of water in the phloem is produced
by the water moving down the hydrostatic
pressure gradient
the flow of water carries sucrose
and other assimilates along the