North korea


Santiago Diaz Rojas
Mind Map by Santiago Diaz Rojas, updated more than 1 year ago
Santiago Diaz Rojas
Created by Santiago Diaz Rojas over 4 years ago

Resource summary

North korea
  1. Tourist Places
    1. Mount Paektu
      1. kumsusam Sun Palace
        1. Pionyang Arch of Triumph
          1. Samilpo
            1. Munsu Water Park
              1. Central korean Zoo
              2. Rules
                1. Important roles
                  1. Certified Tour
                    1. Prohibited
                      1. Go out of the hotel
                        1. Tour guide
                        2. Take a picture
                          1. Credit card
                            1. Foreing phones
                              1. SIM local
                            2. worship statues
                              1. Tips
                                1. Mens
                                  1. Womens
                                  2. Turist shops
                                  3. Gastronomy
                                    1. Pyongyang Naeng-myon
                                      1. clams cooked with gasoline
                                        1. kkotgye
                                          1. Paektu Blackberry wine

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