

Mind Map on Noun, created by Tayla Jade Smith on 06/10/2013.
Tayla Jade Smith
Mind Map by Tayla Jade Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Tayla Jade Smith
Created by Tayla Jade Smith about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. A noun is the name of a person, place or thing
    1. Type
      1. Common
        1. The special name of any ordinary thing you can see or touch
          1. House Cat Boy
            1. I live in a house
        2. Proper
          1. The special name of a person or place or thing. Must have a capital letter
            1. China Jessica Christmas December
              1. My birthday is in December
          2. Collective
            1. The name given to a group of persons or things
              1. band class team army
                1. The class worked hard
            2. Abstract
              1. The name of something that can exist in your mind but you cannot see it or touch it
                1. anger jealous love happiness
                  1. I am jealous of my sister
            3. Countable and Uncountable
              1. Countable
                1. Things we can count
                  1. apple tree dog
                    1. I ate two apples for breakfast
                2. Uncountable
                  1. Things that cannot be counted
                    1. music information rice happiness
                      1. I listen to music
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