Minnesota Starvation Experiment


Minnesota Starvation Experiment Article
Mind Map by kaitlynholmes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kaitlynholmes over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Minnesota Starvation Experiment
  1. "They starved so that others be better fed."
    1. November 19, 1944
      1. End of WWII
        1. Presented the first record of the physiological and psychological effects of starvation and refeeding
          1. 3 month food, 6 month semi-starvation, 3 month rehab.
            1. High emotions if man received more food than another
              1. Enthusiasm waned
                1. Men became irritable
                  1. Loss of strength
                    1. Became more introverted
                      1. Decreased tolerance for the cold
                        1. Experienced Dizziness, tiredness, muscle soreness, hair loss, reduced coordination, ringing in their ears
                          1. Food became an obsession
                            1. Lower sex drive
                              1. Visible signs of starvation: sunken face and bellies, protruding ribs, edema-swollen legs, ankles, and faces
                2. Published in Life Magazine
                  1. Rehab was the most difficult part of the experiment (reduced dizziness, apathy, lethargy)
                    1. None of the men were given detailed instructions on how to get back to normal
                      1. Many would eat excessively
                        1. Recovery ran from 2 months to 2 years
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