Research Design


Mind Map by Kathey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kathey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Research Design
  1. Independent measures design
    1. Advantages
      1. Participants randomly allocated to different conditions to distribute individual differences evenly
        1. There are no practise effects
        2. Disadvantages
          1. Needs more participants
            1. May be individual differences between the participants non-removable with the process of random allocation
            2. Different participants are used in each of the experimental conditions
            3. Repeated measures design
              1. Disadvantages
                1. Order effects
                  1. Practise effect
                    1. Participants improve in performance due the repetition of the task
                    2. Fatigue effect
                      1. Participants become tired and bored and reduce in performance
                  2. Advantages
                    1. Requires fewer participants
                      1. Individual differences are controlled because in effect the participants are compared against themselves
                      2. Same group of participants is used in each condition
                      3. Matched participants design
                        1. Disadvantages
                          1. Large number of participants are needed to be able to select matched pairs
                            1. It's difficult to match certain characteristics such as personalities
                            2. Advantages
                              1. Can be used when a repeated measure design is not appropriate
                                1. e.g. Performing a task twice would result in a practise effect
                              2. Separate groups of participants who are matched on a one-to-one basis using certain characteristics such as age, gender
                                1. Any individual differences they may affect what is being measured
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