Much Ado About Nothing


Much Ado About Nothing - Character relations
Sarah Webber
Mind Map by Sarah Webber, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Webber
Created by Sarah Webber almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Much Ado About Nothing
  1. Leanato: Governor of Messina
    1. Hero: Leanato's daughter
      1. Beatrice: Leanato's neice
        1. Don Pedro: Prince of Aargon, also long time friend of Leanato
          1. Doesn't like or dislike anybody
          2. Hero: Leanato's Daughter
            1. Leanato: Governor of Messina
              1. Beatrice: Best friend of Hero
                1. Claudio: Person with a love interest in Hero
                  1. Likes Claudio, doesn't dislike anyone
                  2. Beatrice: Leanato's neice, best friend of Hero
                    1. Leanato: Governor of Messina
                      1. Hero: Leanato's Daughter
                        1. Benedick: Soldier under Don Pedro
                          1. Secretly likes Benedick, but argues with him
                          2. Claudio: Soldier and nobleman who is under Don Pedro
                            1. Hero: Leanato's daughter
                              1. Don Pedro: Prince of Aargon, best friend of Leanato
                                1. Benedick: Colleague of Claudio, soldier of Don Pedro
                                  1. Don John: Colleague of Claudio, Don Pedro's illegitimate brother
                                    1. Love interest is Hero, doesn't dislike anyone
                                    2. Don Pedro: Prince of Aargon, longtime friend of Leanato
                                      1. Leanato: Governor of Messina, longtime friend of Don Pedro
                                        1. Claudio: Colleague of Don Pedro
                                          1. Benedick: Colleague of Don Pedro
                                            1. Don John: Brother of Don Pedro
                                              1. Doesn't like or dislike anyone
                                              2. Benedick: Soldier under Don Pedro
                                                1. Beatrice: Leanato's neice, friend of Hero
                                                  1. Claudio: Colleague of Benedick
                                                    1. Don Pedro: Prince of Aargon, longtime friend of Leanato
                                                      1. Don John: Brother of Don Pedro
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