Connecting Characters MAAN


Shakespeare- Much Ado About Nothing
Mind Map by ra079043, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ra079043 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Connecting Characters MAAN
  1. Beatrice
    1. Benedick
      1. Dislike each other
        1. Claudio
          1. Bestfriends
          2. Don Pedro
            1. Friends
          3. Hero
            1. Cousins, and bestfreinds
              1. Don Pedro
                1. Respect each other
              2. Leonato
                1. Leonato is Beatrice's Uncle
                  1. Don Pedro
                    1. Friends
                  2. Don John
                    1. Unfamiliar with each other
                      1. Don Pedro
                        1. Half Brothers
                        2. Everyone else
                          1. Hates everyone
                        3. Claudio
                          1. Do not know each other
                            1. Benedick
                              1. Best Friends
                            2. Don Pedro
                              1. Do not know each other
                                1. Claudio
                                  1. Good Friends
                                    1. Hero
                                      1. Love Each Other
                                        1. Leonato
                                          1. Father Daughter Relationship
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