Much Ado About Nothing


Connections of characters in the story, Much Ado About Nothing
Mind Map by JulianMounce, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JulianMounce almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Much Ado About Nothing
  1. Leonato- is the governor of Messina. His niece is Beatrice, and his daughter is Hero. He mostly likes everyone except maybe Don John.
    1. Hero- She is the daughter of Leonato and cousin of Beatrice. She is fond of Claudio.
      1. Beatrice- is the niece of Leonato and cousin of Hero. She has a hatred for mainly Benedick.
        1. Claudio- He is under the rule of Don Pedro and best friends with Benedick. Claudio claims to have fallen in love with Hero.
          1. Don Pedro- is prince, he rules over Benedick and Claudio. He is the illegitimate brother of Don John. He is friends with Leonato. Don Pedro does not dislike anyone, he is mostly mutual.
            1. Benedick- Benedick is best friends with Claudio, he works under the rule of Don Pedro. Benedick hates Beatrice.
              1. Don John- Don John is the illegitimate brother of Don Pedro. He dislikes everyone.
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