Chapter 1 - Commercial Relationships


Mind Map
Bhavin Mistry
Mind Map by Bhavin Mistry, updated more than 1 year ago
Bhavin Mistry
Created by Bhavin Mistry over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 1 - Commercial Relationships
  1. S1 - The nature of commercial relationships
    1. Relationship Drivers
      1. Quality of interaction; Trust; Transparency; Commitment; Co-operation and collaboration; Mutuality
      2. Features of a relationship
      3. S2 - Internal and external supply relationships
        1. Procurements customers
          1. Procurement as an internal consultancy
            1. Characteristics of internal relationships
              1. Internal and external stakeholders
                1. Procurement Marketing
                  1. Cross-functional relationships
                    1. Cross-functional teams in procurement
                    2. S3 The relationship spectrum
                      1. Relationship spectrum
                        1. From multiple to single sourcing
                          1. Adversarial or competitive relationships
                            1. Collaborative relationships
                              1. Outsource relationships
                                1. Partnership relationships
                                2. S4 - Best relationship?
                                  1. When is transactional approach appropriate?
                                    1. Drivers of collaborative relationships
                                      1. Partnering
                                      2. The relationship lifecycle
                                        1. Portfolio relationship
                                        2. S5 Relationship lifecycle
                                          1. The relationship lifecycle
                                            1. Stages of relationship development
                                              1. Using the lifecycle model
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                                              a a