

Mind Map by Kathey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kathey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Examples
    1. Laboratory experiment
      1. Bandura
        1. Loftus and Palmer
          1. Dement and Kleitman
          2. Field experiment
            1. Piliavin
            2. Quasi experiment
              1. Griffiths
                1. Baron Cohen
              2. Laboratory experiment
                1. IV is manipulated
                  1. e.g. Bandura IV = multiple conditions
                  2. Controlled and often artificial
                    1. Advantages
                      1. High level of controls
                        1. Extraneous variables are minimised
                          1. Changes in the DV are of a result of the IV
                        2. Disadvantages
                          1. Ecological validity
                            1. People not behaving naturally
                            2. Artificial environment
                              1. Low internal validity
                              2. Demand characteristics
                                1. The effect of the IV is not what is being measured
                                  1. Invalid results
                            3. Field experiment
                              1. Everyday environment
                                1. Advantages
                                  1. High external validity
                                    1. People's natural behaviour
                                      1. No demand characteristics
                                    2. Manipulation of the IV
                                      1. Can measure the effect of one variable to another
                                    3. Disadvantages
                                      1. Can't always control the extraneous variables
                                        1. Affect IV and DV
                                        2. Not replicable
                                          1. Difficult to check reliability
                                          2. No informed consent
                                            1. Participants may be deceived
                                          3. Quasi experiment
                                            1. IV is naturally occuring, not manipulated
                                              1. Naturally occuring variables
                                                1. Gender
                                                  1. Age
                                                    1. Occupation
                                                    2. Participants are not randomly allocated into conditions
                                                    3. Setting: laboratory/field
                                                      1. Advantages
                                                        1. Study the effects of IVs that may be unethical to measure
                                                          1. No demand characteristics
                                                            1. High internal validity
                                                          2. Disadvantages
                                                            1. Participants cannot be randomly allocated
                                                              1. Other effects apart from the IV can affect the DV
                                                                1. Confounding variables
                                                                  1. Low internal validity
                                                                2. Not replicable
                                                                  1. Difficult to check reliability
                                                              2. Ethics
                                                                1. Laboratory experiment
                                                                  1. Deception
                                                                    1. May be reluctant to do things unnatural
                                                                    2. Field experiment
                                                                      1. No informed consent
                                                                        1. Difficult to withdraw
                                                                        2. Quasi experiment
                                                                          1. Lack of confidentiality
                                                                            1. Sample lack identity
                                                                            2. Ethical issues
                                                                              1. Social variables
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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