Consumer Health


Mind Map on Consumer Health, created by Hanah Olavario on 20/09/2020.
Hanah Olavario
Mind Map by Hanah Olavario, updated more than 1 year ago
Hanah Olavario
Created by Hanah Olavario over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Consumer Health
  1. Health Information
    1. Pertains to the information about the products and services
    2. Health Services
      1. Amenities created to address health concerns
      2. Types Of Consumer
        1. Bargain Addict
          1. Obsessed with sales
          2. Panic Buyer
            1. Hoards supply
            2. Spendrift
              1. Lavish spending
              2. Impulsive Buyer
                1. Shops on Impulse
                2. Close-Fisted Consumer
                  1. Hoards money but does not use it
                  2. Wasteful Consumer
                    1. Wastes Resources
                  3. Criteria For Consideration
                    1. Safety
                      1. Environmental impact
                        1. Price
                          1. Quality
                          2. Health Products
                            1. Goods that people use or take
                            2. Things to know before Buying
                              1. Know the Products and Services
                                1. Be Meticulous with Sales talks
                                  1. Consult Authorities when in Doubt
                                    1. Never Sacrifice Quality over Quantity
                                    2. Consumer Rights
                                      1. Rights to Choose
                                        1. The Rights to be Informed
                                          1. Rights to Safety
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