Classic Enhancement Types


Vitor Moreira
Mind Map by Vitor Moreira, updated more than 1 year ago
Vitor Moreira
Created by Vitor Moreira almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Classic Enhancement Types
    1. In ABAP programs by using function module exists
      1. On GUIs by using menu exits
        1. On screens, by using screen exits to insert a subscreen in an area that SAP specifies
          1. On screens, by using field exits to process the costumer code that refers to a specific field on the screen
            1. In ABAP Dictionary tables or structures by using table enhancements
            2. TYPES
              1. Table enhancements
                1. Append structures
                  1. Structure is assign to exactly one table. Can be several append structures for a table. Allow you to attach fields to a table without actually modifying the table.
                    1. ATTENTION: SAP tables may be classified to prevent issues. you cannot create append structures for pool and clusters tables. if a table has a long field you cannot use. if you use to expand a SAP table the name fields mast use a customer namespace,, starting by YY or ZZ.
                  2. Customizing Includes (CI)
                    1. you need to add .INCLUDE. allow you to use the same structure in multiple tables. SAP developers need to plan table enhancements using CI.
                      1. ATTENTION: The customer namespace starts with CL_ for ensure not to lead to errors. you also need to respect da name of the fields using a customer namespace starting by YY or ZZ
                  3. Program enhancements
                    1. SUBROUTINE
                      1. User exit
                        1. A user exit is a subroutine
                      2. FUNCTION MODULE
                        1. Customer exit
                          1. A special exit function module that the SAP application program calls. this function module is part of a function group that the systems handles in a special manner.
                          2. Business Transaction Event
                            1. The SAP application program dynamically call a function module in the customer namespace.
                          3. METHOD
                            1. Business Add-in
                              1. The application program calls a method of a class or instance of a class. this class lies in the customer namespace.
                          4. Menu enhancements
                            1. Customer exits or Business Add-Ins
                              1. Add additional menu options to a SAP standard menu
                            2. Screen enhancements
                              1. Customer exits
                                1. Define subscreen areas. specify the corresponding calls in the flow logic. provide the framework for the data transport. include the screen exit in a enhancement. Maintain documentation.
                              1. Enhancement Texts and Data Elements
                                1. you can overwrite the fields label text with customer-specific texts
                                  1. SPACE - Field label that bests fits the field length
                                    1. 1-short Field label 2-medium field label 3-long field label 4-field label for header
                                      1. V- Variable text transfer from the dictionary (as SPACE)
                                        1. F- Fixed (no text transfer from the dictionary)
                                          1. In new releases you need to restore
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