Catholic Church


Very important, normally paragraph question or essay question
Rachel Grannell
Mind Map by Rachel Grannell, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Grannell
Created by Rachel Grannell over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Catholic Church
  1. Alter
    1. to the front of the santuary
      1. alter is connected with sacrifice
        1. celebrate the Eucharist
          1. priest stands at the alter and faces the community
          2. Sanctuary Lamp
            1. Reminded of the presence of Jesus
              1. Red Lamp
                1. Above the Sanctuary
                2. Tabernacle
                  1. where the communion is kept safe
                    1. People bow to the tabernacle once they enter the church
                      1. honor the presence of jesus in the Blessed Sacrement
                      2. Confessional
                        1. people go to confess their sins
                          1. in the room, a screen separates the priest form the penitent
                            1. sacrament of reconcilation
                              1. some churches have room where sinner confesses face to face with the priest
                              2. Stations of the cross
                                1. fourteen images
                                  1. each picture illustates Jesus' final moment
                                    1. people pray and mediate to the images
                                      1. try to undertstand Jesus' suffering
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