Austin: Laws are commands of
sovereigns backed up by sanctions
over emphasises santions
Hart: international lawyers, can't tell me the
rules of international law with any certainty,
therefore not a system of law
Tamanaha: if people refer to something as law, then it is law
is international law binding?
or just a decision making process
ethics instead?
US Position on international law
But why do states comply?
cost/benefit analysis
'when the instrumental calculus suggests a departure from
international law, international law imposes no moral
obligation that requires contrary action'Jack Goldsmith and
Eric Posner
so how is it enforced?
self enforcement & self limitation
decentralised authority
counter measures and sanctions
norms of good standards of behaviour
UN security council
has vetos - hard to get all five to agree
Sovereign Consent!
Sovereign =king/queen
Consent = agreement
Bodin: distinguishing mark of the
sovereign that he cannot in any way be
subject to the commands of another
Locke and Hobbe argue this too
Hobbes, Leviathan: defined
native Americans as not
What about non-sovereigns?
Wimbledon Case (1923) being able to enter
into international agreements is an attribute
of state sovereignty
internal and external
internal =
coercive force
over population
external = law of
nations that can
bind sovereign
After westphalia, territory
divided into sovereign
states; independent, equal
Grotius: law of nations that develops from
the will of states, not based on will of god or
natural law, build a system of law of
sovereign states
Vattel: VOLUNTARY law of nations, established by presumed
CONSENT and providing for a universal binding law of
nations, conventional law of nations (treaties) which provides
EXPRESS consent and customary law of nations which
develops through TACIT consent, long use and observation
Pactus sun servenda =agreements must be kept
is it still relevant?
GA Res 'declaration on Friendly
Relations: All States shall enjoy
sovereign equality
Case of S.S Lotus:
International law
governs rules
between independent
states. The rules of
law binding upon
States therefore
emanate from their
own free will
relationship between international
and domestic law
Monism = supremacy of either
international or state law
Dualism = there is a plurality of
legal systems, which are not in any
formal relationship
States cannot use provisions of domestic
law to defend a claim for an alleged
breach of obligations under international