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A: Financial management
Master ACCA F9: Financial Management (A: Financial Management Function) Mind Map on A: Financial management, created by Shahid Musthafa on 08/10/2013.
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a: financial management function
acca f9: financial management
acca f9: financial management
a: financial management function
Mind Map by
Shahid Musthafa
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Shahid Musthafa
about 11 years ago
Resource summary
A: Financial management
Financial management is concerned with managing an organization's assets, liabilities, revenues, profitability and cash flow.
Financial management invloves identifying the financial objectives of an organisations and ensuring that these objectives are achieved
Inorder to achieve the financial objectives the manager makes decisions in the key areas
Dividend Decision
Returns from the investment projects are
ploughed back into the treasury for funding future growth
Paid out to shareholders as dividends
Investment decison
where to invest or De - Invest ?
Financial Decision
From where to source for the Investment needs ? or not to source ?
Companies Raise capital from
Equity Shares
Debt Financing
Company is thinking of increasing the dividends
Dividend Decision
This will reduce the cash from treasury and triggers the need for further external finance for
Investing in long term projects
Investment decison
Financial Decision
either achieved through reducing the dividends
Dividend Decision
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